
De UrbanLabs
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Walkshop as learning gymkhana

After talking and planning and imagining with Chris from Cataspanglish, Ingrid from New Youth City Learning and Marc from BDigital, we have given shape to an idea that now needs to be refined (even redesigned) during the next great, crazy, necessary Drumbeat Festival in Barcelona.

This festival activity has just grown connecting an original idea and prototype of Adam Greenfield and Nurri Kim from Do projects, which some months ago moved us trough the same streets surrounding the festival venue, discovering on the go different city spots intensive in data gathering and dissemination. We talked then (and published online at the same time) about the informational skins of the city right from its streets. Now we propose to create a similar walk, but after a goal that is somehow different...

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UrbanLabs en la Mediateca Expandida de LABoral

Recientemente UrbanLabs ha tenido la oportunidad de participar en la exposición Mediateca Expandida: Habitar del centro de arte y creación industrial LABoral, gracias al comisariado de @jldevicente, lo cual nos ha permitido desde CitiLab dar a conocer varias iniciativas que han participado en este "proyecto de proyectos" que es UrbanLabs desde que empezó su andadura en 2008, así como metodologías de trabajo experimentales que se han llevado a cabo en colaboración con Platoniq.

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