
De UrbanLabs
UrbanLabs is a meeting for developing and advancing in the collaborative progress of technosocial projects :: a multidisciplinar and interactive event around the urban appropriation of technologies and social generated innovation :: talks and working groups are open to the constructive participation of people and collectives [+ info, in Spanish]

Register: Limited places! Registration with discount until the 1st of October. It includes the workshops' material, the UrbanLabs t-shirt and the catering and breakfast of Saturday 24th.

Schedule: Take a look at the UrbanLabs'09 schedule (although we will be working on it until the last moment :) and see who is talking when and the timetables for the work groups.

Participants: We will have speakers like Adam Greenfield (Nokia / Speedbird), Dave Harte (Digital Birmingham) or Juan Freire (Nómada), and projects such as Platoniq, radarq or Breakout Festival...

Open event: Once registered you can propose us a lightning talk, and take part in the design of the new UrbanLabs t-shirt. You can also contribute to the bank of ideas, challenges and projects or discuss the ones presented during UrbanLabs'08.
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    We're looking 4 > communities and collectives with specific problematics :: challenges for urban communication, participation, mobility :: social projects with some component of new technologies in development (ideation, implementation, communication, funding...)


    With the collaboration of:

    UrbanLabs 09
    UrbanLabs 09
    UrbanLabs 09
    UrbanLabs 09
    UrbanLabs 09
    UrbanLabs 09
    Oscar Ardaiz
    Oscar Ardaiz

    About UrbanLabs'08

    From 9th to 11th October of 2008 more than 150 people gathered in CitiLab-Cornellà during UrbanLabs 08, three days for presenting, sharing and even creating projects of citizen action, innovation, communication, learning, and other issues related to a social and technological component. From the list of projects (in Spanish) you can access the ideas and projects that where then proposed, debated and broadened.

    Image gallery

    Source: Flickr Gallery. More pictures in Facebook.

    Vídeos charlas relámpago

    UrbanLabs'08 talks

    Presentations of the participants and speakers of UrbanLabs'08 about collaborative work, citizen management of technology, mobile phones as channels of citizen communication, WiFi networks, geolocalisation, 2.0 politics, P2P networks, urban design...


    Posts about it

    Si has escrito en tu blog o web sobre UrbanLabs, puedes añadir el tuyo.

    Atendee list

    Andaira, Cooperativa de Iniciativa Social | Alvina | acció cultural metropolitana | a mínima | amasté | astillero | Ayuntamiento de Alicante | Beyond and Around | Can Calderon | Capital y código | casitengo18 | Cuantics Creatives | Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya | FeRS | ciberciudadanías | Conectando que es gerundio | Consell Comarcal del Baix Llobregat | Consorci del Lluçanès | Consultoría artesana en red | Cr3a't | despacio | Administraciones en red | Ecosistema urbano | Economing | el blog de lola | El agorante Aberrante | Esparzasite | Free Knowledge Institute | Fundació CIREM | Fundació Innovació per l'Acció Social | Fundación Esplai | go.yuri.at | Goldmundus | guifi.net | Igor Calzada | Identitats Digitals | Implantació web 2.0 | INE | Iniciativa Joven | K-Government | Krax | Esteve Almirall | La Capsa | lepetitmusee | LocalFeed | Maltravieso XXI | Mancomunitat La Plana | Marketing de tendencias | Marc Vidal | marcasfera | meipi.org | metadata | El bloc d'en Narcís Sastre | Boris Mir | Nómada | No sólo software | Daniel García Peris | bdigital | casastristes.org | Christian Rojo | ciberalia | esgara | Fundació IBIT | GLbonafont | BrainVentures | Johanna Orduz | labein | Libelium | HoritzóTV | I & K Social Net | Igloo | Inconformada Sustancia | Mauro Costa | Making cultural, social and digital projects | miss expresiones | natural report | NodosELE | Nou UrbanisME | Política 2.0 i altres amaniments | Observatorio para la CiberSociedad | obsoletos.org | Open Peer-to-Peer Design | Passió per Lleida | PeripherActions | The Foundation for P2P Alternatives | la papaya | Pauta formació | pim pam pum | Platoniq | PodCamp Barcelona | Proyectos Personas Pasiones | radarq.net | Rafa Ocaña | Sabadell.cat | Servei de Biblioteques de la Diputació de Barcelona | mapa íntim de Sabadell | Sitesize | Telecentre del Solsonès | Territories of Tomorrow Foundation | Proyecto TELECOL | tíscar.com | Trànsit Projectes | Una mirada sobre el treball social amb les tic | Universidad Pública de Navarra | xabier cid | xtec | Yo Grito | Programa Compartim | 2020people

    Herramientas personales